Neste artigo anuncio o lançamento do Beta 2 do Boonzi Mega-Budgets, o novo conjunto de ferramentas de orçamentação do Boonzi.

Antes de prosseguir a leitura sugiro vivamente que leia primeiro o artigo sobre o lançamento do Beta 1, caso ainda não o tenha feito.

O que traz o Beta 2?

O Boonzi “Mega-Budgets” Beta 2 foca-se essencialmente na correcção de vários bugs e em diversas melhorias de usabilidade. Fizemos pelo menos 48 correcções/melhorias!
Dada a quantidade de alterações, não vou descrever as correcções que foram feitas mas partilho no final deste artigo a lista de tarefas que foram fechadas (em Inglês).

O que se segue?

Segue-se o desenvolvimento do Beta 3, aquele que será potencialmente o último Beta do Mega-Budgets antes da release oficial. Serão implementadas as seguintes novidades:

  1. Será possível escolher à priori quais as contas que entram e não entram no orçamento
  2. Será possível categorizar transferências entre contas e vê-las nos orçamentos (e relatórios!)
  3. Ao criar um orçamento, será possível verificar se o saldo bancário é suficiente para cobrir as despesas do mês
  4. Correcção de bugs que sejam encontrados entretanto

E, possivelmente:

  1. Na visualização de um orçamento, alterar entre o modo de tabela, e o modo de barras
  2. Na criação de um orçamento, permitir criar novas categorias

[2014/12/11 – Lançamos hoje o Mega-Budgets Beta 3, pelo que os links acima foram actualizados. Saiba tudo aqui]

[2015/01/05 – Lançamos hoje a versão oficial do Boonzi 40 que já contempla o Mega-Budgets na sua secção de Orçamentos. Saiba tudo sobre o Boonzi 40 aqui]

Como posso experimentar o Boonzi Mega-Budgets Beta 2 Beta 3?

Os links para descarregar esta nova versão estão no final do artigo anterior, na secção “Quero usar já o Boonzi Mega Budgets”. Optámos por não colocar os links neste artigo – mas sim no anterior – para assegurar que não lhe escapa nenhuma das informações preciosas que partilhamos no artigo anterior. 🙂

As alterações no MegaBudgets Beta 2

Segue abaixo a lista das correcções (em Inglês) que foram feitas nesta versão, copiadas directamente da nossa plataforma de gestão de projectos:

  • BZDE-419 If the user is seeing the overview from June, changes profile to a profile with one month, the overview keeps showing june
  • BZDE-427 Fill the future positions (dashboard) with the remaining months needed to occupy the available space
  • BZDE-469 Change the comparisons of toDateString() to month1 == month2 and year1 == year2
  • BZDE-471 In the create new budget view, the “Copiar Orçamento do Mês Anterior” should say “Copiar Orçamento de Outubro 2014”
  • BZDE-474 The sync service shoudl receive and save the dbversion. If the dbversion of the sync is lower that the saved db version, throw an error and alert the user!
  • BZDE-477 The tips of the future assets chart are not using the same style of the labels in other charts
  • BZDE-480 If all accounts are deselected, Boonzi thinks that there are no budgets, and shows the “create new budget dialog”. If there are no accounts, but there are budgets, show a message saying to select accounts
  • BZDE-487 The user doesn’t understand that he has to budget ALL subcategories (and not categories) for the budgeting work correctly
  • BZDE-488 There should be a “x” to remove limits from the list
  • BZDE-489 For the current month, there should be a way to auto-create a budget, since the user gets really frustrated 😐
  • BZDE-491 It should be possible to scroll the budgets using the arrows
  • BZDE-494 In the dashboard, if in the futurepositions the user will save money, those should appear in green
  • BZDE-519 While creating a new budget, if the user clicks a value on the tooltip that appears in the Editor, it should autofill the cell
  • BZDE-532 The blue icon button in the overview should use the rollover style used in the add monthly budget
  • BZDE-534 If the user presses “add budget” without making any change, ask the user “you haven’t made any change, proceed bla bla”
  • BZDE-535 When the user clicks the links to auto-fill a new budget in a new empty profile, the “overview” doesn’t show 0€ sometimes
  • BZDE-536 On the budgets list remove list focus
  • BZDE-537 If the user is creating a new monthly budget, enters the Editor of a category, and presses ESC, the editor is assuming the value and it shouldn’t (and the view is not updating the totals)
  • BZDE-539 In the add monthly budget, if the user is in an editor and presses the left arrow, the view is going back
  • BZDE-540 If the user is editing a limit and clicks outside, it shoudl accept the value. If presses ESC, it should cancel and go back to the previous value
  • BZDE-541 The Add Monthly Budget is not scrolling to the top everytime the user navigates there
  • BZDE-546 The future positions chart should be limited to 18 months (and not 6)
  • BZDE-547 The line of “Today” in the overview is on the wrong place for the first day of the month
  • BZDE-548 When the user switches profile, some panels in the dashboard (vai poupar) are not resetting it’s values
  • BZDE-549 If there is no data for this month, the dashboard instead of showing the empty panels with navigation, is showing “there is no transactions, create one now” ?
  • BZDE-551 In the overview, clicking on the name of a category in the highlighted budgets should work exactly the same as clicking the category in the budgets section
  • BZDE-552 RTE while navigating the budgets
  • BZDE-557 It’s possible to edit simultaneous budgets by simply clicking on them
  • BZDE-560 The CTRL + Shift + L shouldn’t be working
  • BZDE-562 In the dashboard, if the “savings” are negative, it should say “Going to Spend”
  • BZDE-563 RTE after editing budget
  • BZDE-564 It’s not possible to sync budgets
  • BZDE-565 No transactions are showing for budgets with no category
  • BZDE-577 When a budget is fullfilled at 100%, the bar should not be red
  • BZDE-582 Before the release, test if the trial / demo/ whatever code is working fine
  • BZDE-586 When a budget is deleted in a category with a single subcategory budgeted, the blank line in budget above is being removed
  • BZDE-587 When deleting a budget, a confirmation popup should appear
  • BZDE-588 The spinner for editing budget is not working
  • BZDE-589 Should not be allowed to create an empty monthly budget
  • BZDE-590 Do not show rollover in the category budget title if there are no transactions to show
  • BZDE-592 When the user clicks the help tooltip while editing a category budget, the limit is not being autofilled
  • BZDE-598 RTE in MonthlyBudgetCategoryRenderer/editorOwnsClick() (check the currentstate before doing anything!)
  • BZDE-599 Budgets with “actual” expenses should not show the delete button
  • BZDE-600 If the user uses the numericstepper to edit a budget and then clicks outside, the value is not saved
  • BZDE-603 When there are no accounts, the megabudgets should show a “info view” like it happens in other views
  • BZDE-604 The popup for creating a budget without changes needs more height
  • BZDE-607 The label in the month for “create budget” in the overview should show the Year
  • BZDE-614 RTE exiting the app after budget inline edit

Actualização – [2015/01/05 – Lançamos hoje a versão oficial do Boonzi 40 que já contempla o Mega-Budgets na sua secção de Orçamentos. Saiba tudo sobre o Boonzi 40 aqui]


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